6 Therapy principles for slimming, sculpting and anti-ageing:
EHIT is a unique system that stimulates intra and extra-cellular ion exchange, restoring physiological cell electrical activity, which enables the correct functionality of the cells.
Based on the 448kHz frequency, it activates biostimulation, stimulates microcirculation and promotes metabolic hyperactivation, while respecting cell physiology. 6 Therapies in one system.
Thermal therapy: Enhance base temperature, and regulate the physical acidic constitution.
Immunity: Clear aged cells and toxins and double improvement of immunity in 30 days.
Senescence: Activates body cells and helps tissue cells to regenerate.
Body sculpting: Reduce excess fat, tighten the skin, lose weight and sculpt your body.
Pain: Regulate chronic pain in shoulders, neck and waist by 81% and improve microcirculation and muscle regeneration by 97%.
Fat-blasting: Visceral fat improvement in 30 days by 4 -6 levels, subcutaneous fat and waist reduction, fatty liver improvement.
Resistive Electrode Transfer handle: 3-5cm skin penetration. Effective for skin lifting and pain relief.
Capacitive Electrode transfer: Stainless steel electrode, 9-12 cm skin penetrating depth Effective for Subcutaneous fat.
RF Fat melting handle: Converts electric energy to heat energy, in turn stimulating collagen and cell renewal tightening skin, removal of wrinkles and slimming effects.