Magnetic Therapy, based on the principles of Faraday electromagnetic induction, delivers a substantial amount of energy from storage capacitors to the coil, generating a pulse magnetic field. This field can penetrate clothing, bones, and tissues, inducing electric fields that stimulate nerve cells, leading to a cascade of physiological and biochemical reactions.
The therapy results in remarkable healing effects, reducing pain, swelling, and enhancing the range of motion in affected areas. It encompasses low-frequency Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) at 1Hz and high-frequency TMS at 5Hz, each regulating the sports cortex differently:
- High-frequency TMS: Increases cortex excitement.
- Low-frequency TMS: Decreases cortex excitement.
Magnetic Therapy is effective in treating various conditions:
- Muscle pathology (contracture, tears, bruises, and swelling).
- Bone injuries, joint distractions, and wear (shoulder, hips, knees, ankle joints).
- Pathology of the elbow, wrist, and arms (epicondylitis, tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome).
- Thoracic vertebral pathology.
- Inflammation and damage to the Achilles tendon and ligament.
- Tendonitis in the shoulder joint area and chronic edema.
Experience the therapeutic benefits of Magnetic Therapy for comprehensive relief and improved physical well-being.
Power | 450W | |
Fuse | 15A | |
Cooling System | Air Cooling | |
Package Size | 62cm*55cm*45cm | |
Voltage | AC 110V/220V; 50-60Hz | |
TERAPIA Magnetica | Magnetic Induction Intensity | 2T |
Frequency | 1Hz ~ 100Hz | |
Pulse Continuous Time | ≥250μs (±20μs) | |
Magnetic Induction Intensity Maximum Change Rate | ≥40kT/s ~ 80kT/s | |
Laser | Laser Power | 50W |
Wavelength | 685nm; 830nm | |
Intensity of Handles | 1-50mW (685nm); 1-200mW (830nm) | |
Spot Size | Approx. 45mmX45mm |